NERIS Workshop - Dublin 2018

On 25-27 April 2018 in Dublin, the NERIS Platform organised its 4th Workshop in cooperation with the Irish Environmental Protection Agency. The Workshop gathered 130 participants and 40 papers dedicated to the issue of "Adapting nuclear and radiological emergency preparedness, response and recovery to a changing world":

  • Citizen science and monitoring by the public;
  • Coping with uncertainty in impact assessment & decision making;
  • Calibration of new monitoring options (mobile monitoring);
  • Inverse modelling & data assimilation;
  • Data reproductibility and model validation;
  • Novel approaches to communication & stakeholder engagement;
  • Operational challenges for emergency response and recovery.

In addition, a Round Table on the CONCERT Joint Roadmap and the links with the NERIS research activities was organized at the end of the workshop.

You can download here:

NERIS Workshop - Lisbon 2017

On 17-19 May 2017 in Lisbon, NERIS organised its 3rd workshop in cooperation with the Institut Superior Tecnico and the Agência Portuguesa do Ambiente. The Workshop gathered 75 participants and 40 papers dedicated to the 3 challenges of the updated NERIS Strategic Research Agenda were presented:

  • Challenges in countermeasures and countermeasure strategies in emergency & recovery, decision support & disaster informatics;
  • Challenges in radiological impact assessments during all phases of nuclear/radiological events;
  • Challenges in setting-up a holistic framework for preparedness for emergency response & recovery.

The Workshop was an opportunity to discuss and exchange with NERIS Members, International organisations and European Research communities on priorities for the NERIS Platform as well as Japanese colleagues. It was an event rich in discussion and debate on the current results of the research and identification for further development on emergency and recovery issues. A session dedicated to the presentation of the updated version of the NERIS SRA was also proposed at the end of the workshop, in order to allow NERIS members to have their say and propose their comments and modifications.

You can download here:

NERIS Workshop - Milano 2015

The NERIS Workshop 2015 was organised on 27-29 April 2015 in cooperation with the University of Milano. The Workshop was an opportunity to discuss and exchange with NERIS Members, International organisations and European Research communities on priorities for the NERIS Platform. The Workshop gathered 68 participants and 37 papers dedicated to the 3 research areas of the NERIS Strategic Research Agenda and the implementation of BSS on emergency and recovery issues were presented.

You can download here:

NERIS Topical Workshop - Madrid 2013

This Topical Workshop has been organised at the initiative of the NERIS Working Group on Contaminated Goods, focussing on international experiences in the management of contaminated foodstuff and other goods after Chernobyl and Fukushima accidents and particularly in Japan, Belarus, Norway and the UK: experts and other stakeholders from these countries have been invited for presenting their feedback on these issues. International organisations (e.g. IAEA, EC, FAO, NEA-OECD) were also expected to share their recent international experiences in the management, monitoring and radioactivity control of goods coming from Japan. At the end of the workshop, a round table has been organised to discuss the lessons learned and challenges for the management of contaminated goods.

You can download here:

1st NERIS Workshop - Bratislava 2012

The first NERIS Workshop on "Preparedness for Nuclear and Radiological Emergency Response and Recovery: Implementation of the ICRP Recommendations" has been organised in Bratislava, Slovak Republic between the 6th and 8th of February 2012. 88 persons from 26 different countries participated.

You can download here:


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