
Membership of the Platform is open to all European organisations concerned with nuclear and radiological emergency response and recovery preparedness having expressed interest in the activities of the Platform and having signed the present Terms of Reference.

The membership is composed of two colleges:

  • College 1: European, national, regional and local authorities, technical support organisations (TSO’s), operators and professional organisations.
  • College 2: Research institutes and universities, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), consultants, and national and local stakeholders.

General Assembly

All the Members constitute the General Assembly of the Platform. When a decision is taken during the General Assembly, each organisation has one vote.

The General Assembly meets once a year, whenever possible, e.g. at the occasion of a Topical workshop of the Platform, to review and endorse the general program of the Platform as proposed by the Management Board.

Management Board

The Platform is managed by a Board of 10 members (including 4 members of College 1 and 4 members of College 2, the Chair of the R&D Committee and one representative of the Secretariat – See Articles 6 and 7). Each member is nominated by the General Assembly for a period of 3 years. Only one person per organisation can be nominated to the Management Board at the same time. The Management Board meets twice a year (including one at the occasion of the General Assembly meeting) under the chairmanship of one of its Members.

The Management Board defines the work program of the Platform in coherence with its objectives and the means for achieving them. It also performs a follow up of their implementation.

In case of extraordinary circumstances, extra meetings can be organized by the Management Board.

R&D Committee

The Committee is in charge of coordinating all R&D activities of the Platform related to the maintenance and development of: decision aiding tools, governance processes and methods, and information and data exchange systems supporting nuclear and radiological emergency response and recovery. Members of the Committee are representatives of organizations taking care of the maintenance of the existing European tools and methods and any other interested organization member of the Platform. Members of the Committee are proposed by their organizations and approved by the General Assembly. The Chair of the Committee is a member of the Management Board. The Committee reports to the Management Board.


The Secretariat is provided by one organisation of the Platform nominated by the General Assembly. The Secretariat is in charge of technical administration of the Platform (e.g. website, newsletter) and provides practical assistance for the organisation of the various activities of the Platform.

The Secretariat coordinates with other European or international networks to avoid work duplication.

Next events

RRADEW Workshop - 24-25 March 2025 Lisbon, Portugal (APA)

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